

Date : 09/08/2021 -

Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihoods Mission is implemented by the Government of Tamil Nadu from the year 2012-13. The objectives of the Mission is to “build strong and vibrant institutional platforms of the poor that enable them to  increase household incomes through livelihood enhancements and access to financial and other services”. The focus of the Mission will also include leveraging financial resources, livelihood support, public services and to ensure their entitlements. A scheme for poverty reduction and livelihoods promotion in rural areas funded by Central and State in the ration of 60:40.
Important features of TNSRLM
1.  Social Inclusion and universal social mobilization through Participatory Identification Poor(PIP) Process.
2.  Building Institutional platform of the poor fomation :- (i) Formation of Self Help Group (SHG)
(ii) Formation of Panchayat Level Federation (PLF)
(iii) Formation of Block Level Federation(BLF)
3.  Financial Inclusion credit linkage to Self Help Group(SHG).
4.  Economic Inclusion – Building sustainable livelihoods for the poor.
5.  Enhancing Skills and linking to Job market.
6.  Leveraging resources through dovetailing and convergence with all schemes of Government


Scheme name Description about the Scheme Eligibility Condition (who can avail the benefit / Service ) Procedure to obtain the benefit/Service
Self Help Group Formation (SHG) The objectives of SHG are to conduct regular meetings, promote savings and internal lending among its members and inculcate the practice of collective and democratic decision making. To ensure the economic and social empowerment of women the SHGs are trained to effectively follow the Pancha Sutras namely  regular meetings, regular savings, regular internal lending, regular repayment and regular maintenance of book of accounts. A group of 12 to 20 poor women in the age group of 18 to 60 years who are residing in the same area is organised as a ‘Self Help Group’ (SHG).
Types of Groups :• Women Self Help Group
• Differently able  Self Help
•     Elderly Self Help Group
1.Focus is on the very poor, poor, vulnerable and differently abled unlike other schemes
2.Identification and mobilization of the left out poor into the SHG network
3.Establishing and strengthening community organisations of the rural poor
4.Social empowerment of the rural poor through capacity building
5.Improving the quality of the SHG products and facilitating marketing.
6.Providing financial assistance to SHGs for lending to their  members for taking up economic activities.
Revolving Fund to SHGs DAY-NRLM would provide Revolving Fund (RF) support to SHGs in existence for a minimum period of 3/6 months and follow the norms of good SHGs, i.e. they follow ‘Panchasutra’ – regular meetings, regular savings, regular internal lending, regular recoveries and maintenance of proper books of accounts. The purpose of RF is to strengthen their institutional and financial management capacity and build a good credit history within the group. Seed Money is a small sum of Rs.15,000/- provided to the SHGs on its completion of 3 months and grading 1.Self Help Group following Pancha sutra like regular meeting, Regular Savings, Regular Internal lending, Regular Repayment and Regular book of maintance.

2.Self Help Group completion of 3 month for grading

3.Rs.15,000 Provided to SHG after completion of community grading


Community Investment Fund Community Investment Fund is a project fund given to SHGs as loan for their economic activities.
Loan is given upto a maximum amount of Rs.50,000/– per SHG at 9% interest per annum. This amount is given to PLFs in one or more doses based on their livelihood activities so as to cover at least 50% of SHGs.
a)  At least six months old
SHGs which are
following Panchsutra.
b) SHG should get
federated to the PLF.
c) SHGs should have
regular internal
lending of savings and
Revolving fund to the
SHG members.
d) Preparation of Micro
Credit Plan by the
e) Beneficiary Selected by  Excutive cummitee of
1. CIF is released from DMMU to PLFs. In turn PLFs shall release
this amount to the SHG as loan to undertake economic activity.
2. PLF will lend Rs.50,000 to  SHGs at the rate of 9% interest per annum,
repayable in 12 to 36 equal installments according to the
nature of trade to which loan is sanctioned.
3. SHG member shall get the loan from the SHG at 12% interest
per annum.
4. The CIF should be rotated and not kept idle in the PLF account.
5. Loan availd SHG will be selected by PLF as per norms.
Vulnerability Reduction Fund The vulnerable people are identified in the project through Participatory Identification of Poor process. The Vulnerability Reduction Fund is provided to Differently abled and Vulnerable individuals at the rate of 6% as individual assistance for consumption or production purposes. 1.Differetly able and vulunarable inculded in SHGs
2.Beneficiary Selection through Concern PWD SHG and Elderly SHG
3.Differently able must have ID card.
4.Beneficiary Selected by  Excutive cummitee of  PlF
1. Application submited to Panchayat level Federation.
2. Application scrutinized and finalised in Panchayat level federation Meeting.
3. Loan amount issued to concern Individual thorugh SHG.
4. Minumum Rs.10,000 Maximum Rs.25,000 Loan amount Provide to Individual at rate of 6%.
5. Loan availd SHG will be selected by PLF as per norms.
Direct Bank Linkage to SHGs SHG Bank Linkage Programme is an intervention which ensures the “Right to Credit” for the poor by enabling access to formal banking and financial services. Right to Credit is ensured in the programme by ensuring not just access, but also adequate and timely credit at affordable interest rates. SHG-BLP has brought innumerable households out of the debt trap and enabled subsequent access to finance to start income generating activities for diversifying and augmenting their family income thereby enabling a good quality of life and a way out of the vicious cycle of poverty SHG should be in active existence at least since the last 6 months as per the books of account of SHGs and not from the date of opening of S/B account.
• SHG should be practicing ‘Panchasutras’ i.e. Regular meetings; Regular savings; Regular inter-loaning; Timely repayment; and Up-to-date books of accounts
      As per guidelines of RBI, the SHGs can avail either Term Loan (TL) or Cash Credit Limit (CCL) loan or both based on need.
Cash Credit Limit (CCL): In case of CCL, banks are advised to sanction minimum loan of Rs.5 lakh to each eligible SHG for a period of 5 years with a yearly Drawing Power (DP). The drawing power may be enhanced annually based on the repayment performance of the SHG.
*  First dose: 6 times of the existing corpus or minimum of
Rs 100,000 whichever is higher.
*  Second dose: 8 times of existing corpus or minimum of 2 lakh,
whichever is higher.
* Third dose: Minimum of Rs.3 lakhs, based on the Micro Credit
plan prepared by the SHGs and appraised by the Federations
the previous credit history.
* Fourth dose onwards: Minimum Loan amount of Rs.5 lakhs.
Based on the Micro Credit Plan of the SHGs and appraised by
the Federations the previous credit history.  their members.
* Honorable Finance Minister of GoI has announced increase in
the collateral free loans to the SHGs from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs 20
to create more livelihoods opportunities for the members of
the SHGs.
 Interest Subvention to SHGs GoI has introduced Interest Subvention scheme since 2013-14 to women SHGs who have availed loans up to Rs.3 lakh by providing interest subvention over and above the rate of 7% upto a maximum of 5.5% payable to the SHGs on prompt repayment.        All women SHGs under DAY– NRLM, will be eligible for interest subvention on prompt payment to the extent of difference between the lending rates and 7% for the loan up to Rs. 300,000/- subject to maximum of 5.5 % or as prescribed by the MoRD. This part of the scheme will be operationalized by SRLMs. 1.All banks who are operating on the Core Banking Solution (CBS) are required to furnish the details of the Credit disbursement and Credit outstanding of the SHGs across all districts in the desired format as suggested by the MoRD, directly from the CBS platform, to the Ministry of Rural Development (through FTP) and to the SRLMs. The information should be provided on a monthly basis to facilitate the calculation and disbursement of the Interest Subvention amount to SHGs
2.All women SHGs, comprising of more than 70% BPL or rural poor members (rural poor as per the Participatory Identification Process) are  regarded as SHGs under DAY-NRLM. Such SHGs, comprising of rural poor members from the intended DAY-NRLM
3.The SHGs will be subvented with the extent of difference between the lending Rate of the banks and 7% subjected to a maximum limit of 5.5% by the SRLMs, directly on a monthly/ quarterly basis. An e-transfer of the subvention amount will be made by the SRLM to the loan accounts of the SHGs who have repaid promptly target group will be eligible for interest subvention on credit up to 3 lakhs at the rate of 7% per annum on prompt repayment



Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)
             Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) is a Placement linked Skill Development scheme for the rural poor youth implemented by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India through the State Government with a funding pattern of 60:40 ratio. The Vision of DDU-GKY is to “Transform rural poor youth into an economically independent and globally relevant workforce”. This scheme aims to skill rural youth aged between 18-35 who are poor and provide them with jobs having regular monthly wages, which are above the minimum wages of the State.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) DDU-GKY is an important component of the National Skill Development Policy. As a poverty alleviation initiative, DDU-GKY proposes to make skill acquisition aspirational amongst the rural poor, thereby helping to create a highly skilled and productive workforce. Important features of DDU-GKY are as follows.
•  Market-led, placement-linked training
programme for rural youth undertaken in a
Public Private Partnership mode.
•  Focus on rural youth from poor families in
the age group of 15 to 35 years belonging.
1.Rural youth from poor  families in the age   group of 18 to 35 years
2.Antyodaya Anna Yojana  (AAY) card household.
3.BPL PDS card     household
4.NRLM-SHG household.
5.Households covered  under auto inclusion  parameters of SECC  2011
  1. To ensure the quality of the training under the DDU-GKY skill program, a Standard Operating procedures is followed across the country.

2. During the training program the candidates were provided with  free accommodation, food, uniforms, books at free of cost.
3. Training modules include domain curriculum and mandatory skilling in non domain area such as spoken English, Basics in computer, soft skills and On the Job training (OJT) to enhance employability.
4. During the training candidates were provided with Tablet Computer.
5. On completion of training the candidates were Placed in reputed institutions/Companies and tracked for a period of one year.
6. From 2017 residential training  provided to the candidates and institution cost of Rs.40,000/- to Rs.80,000/- paid to concern Project Implementation Agency based on trades selected.
7. After Placement of candidates, the candidates are supported
with an incentive amount of  Rs. 1000 per month for a period of  2 to 6 months.


Website Address :




District Level
S.No Name (Thiru/TMT) Designation Email Office Mobile
1. G.  Srinivasa rao Project officer (044)-27236348 9444094280
2. Vacant Assistant Project Officer (A&A) 9444094282
3. S.  Mohanbabu Assistant Project Officer (M&E) 9444094284
4 K.  Amulraj Assistant Project Officer (SM&IB) 9444094285
5 V.  Veeramani Assistant Project Officer (FI) 9444094283
6 M. Walter Paul Assistant Project Officer (LP) 9444094281
7 K. Gangagowri Assistant Project Officer (NULM) 9976018927


Block Level
S.No Name of the Block Name (Thiru/TMT) Designation Email Mobile
1 Kancheepuram M. Nithyanandham Block Mission Manager 9994584573
2 Kundrathur K. Elizabeth Rani Block Mission Manager 9600129252
3 Sriperumbudr S. Sivagami Block Mission Manager 7550375749
4 Uthiramerur M.Lakshmanan Block Mission Manager 8098721055
5 Walajabad A.Nirmala Block Mission Manager 9843830219


Contact Address:

Project Director
District Mission Management Unit
Tamilnadu State Rural Livelihood Mission / Mahalirthittam
Collector Office
Kanchipuram 631501
Phone:-044 27236348
Email -id :-





How To Apply